Monday, February 2, 2009

Not Impressive

And here we go again, blog #2...

So I'm told to keep this blog professional, which I will, but I'll put it out there now I'd really prefer to keep it a little more on the casual side of professional. So, Ed, if you're reading this and think it's a little too laid back, just let me know and I'll clean it up for you.

So I'm supposed to link technology, my future profession and this class within this little blog of mine throughout the semester. I know it's pretty early still, but I'm having a little trouble with it. I guess it's because I'm in college to be a personal trainer/strength coach, and this class is aimed toward future teachers-- not quite me. But, no one ever got anywhere complaining about things, so I'm not about to either.

I haven't really thought much about technology in my field. With the exception of using excessive amounts of money for high tech equipment to train elite athletes, it seems like personal training doesn't rely very much on technology. But, I'm sure there's new research and literature out there about using new equipment for training, it's just a matter of finding it.

Basically, I'm going to use this blog as a small segway into what I'll be talking (or well blogging?) about for the semester. I'm hoping to get out of this class with new information on how to use technology in my field of work and in my daily life. I'd like to think I'm pretty savvy and up to date with this stuff, but I'm probably just fooling myself. There's a lot to learn, and I'm excited to check it out.

For my next blog, expect some sweet gadgets and links. I'm definitely going to start playing around with this thing a lot more. Seems to me like blogging is the new "thing to do", so I might as well get into it since it's part of this class. Just have to see how it goes!

Sorry to dissapoint with this one, I know it was lame. No worries though, I'll find a way to keep this more interesting this semester. Time to go stalk the other bloggers in my class! I'm out.

Keep on truckin'

1 comment:

  1. This wasn't disappointing at all...another aspects of blogging is using it as a reflective piece about your thoughts. I thought it was very appropriate.

    Now, having worked with six KPE folks last semester in EDT 400 who were aiming for physical therapy, athletic training, fitness instructors, and the like...I did a little research on the use of technology and found that technology is HUGE in your field. So up to you to do some research to find what is available.

    There are other university students and professionals blogging about how they are using technology to meet their clients' needs. Take a look and see what you can find. Where will you start?
