Monday, January 26, 2009

My First Blog

Well here it is- my first post as a "blogger", how exciting.

I always said I would never have one of these things, pretty much swore on it.  I'm not a big fan of posting my thoughts for other people to see publicly, especially since it's very easy to turn someone's words around for the worse.  I've seen some bad things happen to good people because they said the wrong thing on a livejournal or blogpost.  But, seeing as I'm in this EDT400 class now, looks like I'm just going to have to suck it up and take my chances with how it goes.  Who knows, maybe I'll even learn to enjoy it!  Well, okay, I'm not going to get my hopes up with this, but it doesn't hurt to think outside the box a bit and try something a little out of my element.

I guess this is the part where I give a little insight and background information about myself.  I'm from Derry, New Hampshire, or the "Dirty D" as some like to call it.  I went to Pinkerton Academy high school which is pretty much a small college in itself.  Huge campus, literally campus, with about 3,500 students, my graduation class being about 720 students.  So, I guess you could say that going to college and being surrounded by all these people wasn't too much of a culture shock for me.  In fact, I don't think I could ever function in a small school, EVER.  I'm very outgoing and like to meet and talk to new people- so much so that my friends make fun of me for having so many friends that I just meet in class-so a big school is a great fit for me.

I'm very athletic and love to play sports.  Softball is the reason why I'm sitting in this class right now posting this blog.  I got recruited to play here at UMaine Orono and am in my 3rd year, although I'd give anything to be a freshman again.  It freaks me out to think that next year is my last year playing competitive softball.  And as much as I'd like to count beer league slowpitch softball as competitive, just can't.

As I said before, I'm in my 3rd year here and am a KPE Health/Fitness major with a concentration in Health/Nutrition and I just picked up a minor in Food Science/Nutrition.  In case you couldn't tell by the description, I'm looking to be a personal trainer of some sort.  I hate working with old people and I'm not very good with kids, so I'm going to try and work with highschool through a little older than college-aged athletes.  Yes, athletes.  I don't want to work with someone who is uncoordinated and unmotivated to work hard.  Athletes tend to have a goal to work for if they're on a team and have a better motivation to get in shape (in my perspective) than non-athletes.  Yeah, I know, there are exceptions, but I'd rather just work with people who are already seasoned and aren't afraid to run hard and lift some weights.  Basically people who have the understanding that it's OK to be sore after and that the "hurt" you feel while you workout is a "good" hurt, not an "OMG SOMETHING IS WRONG" hurt; some people drive me nuts.

I guess that's all I've got for now.  Until next time, keep on truckin'.

-Alexis Souhlaris